Sexual desire may be greater than desirable, is also known as hyper sexuality or sex addiction. Medical experts describes, it’s very hard to find out when someone feel excessive sexual desire, it is often depends on the surrounding of the person. Still it’s not clear sexual desire is disorder or good health symptom. Human Brain plays vital role during sexual activity it depends up on hormones and anomalies of person. According to sex scientists most men want to have sex with as many women as possible, it’s called excessive sexual desire.

Sexual desire helps to have great sex and enjoyment. Common thing is that most men interests in porn material often hurt women’s feelings, but not all women feelings some women may interest to expose herself in pornographic material. When you come to the point sexual problems can be divided into many groups. Sexual disorders include reduced sexual desire, Sexual arousal, orgasm disorder and erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Hormonal regulation could be the main reason of lack of sexual desire. Some example of psychological factors is sexual feelings, sexual thoughts and negative feelings about partner and shy for his own body. Sex is the eventual goal of human endeavor. Making sex with out negative thoughts is much effective.